Do you need a skilled freelancer?

Match with the fractional creative you need in no time, and collaborate with them as if they are part of your team!

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Be Efficient With Your Time

You shouldn't be wasting your time

Find talent faster than ever

Fast and streamlined

Avoid the clutter from other platforms and centralize the creative project management with our seamless technology

Smart matching algorithm

Submit your request form and our algorithm will match you with a skilled creative professional within 24 hours

Subject-matter experts

We're all about expertise. Our own community vets candidates to connect you only those with deep knowledge and knowhow

Easy To Do Steps

Less Work for You

Get connected to pre-vetted pros

Buzzzy frees you from the hassle of interviewing multiple candidates and reading through various proposals, to allow a seamless workflow.

We vet every creative professional to make sure finding and collaborating with skilled freelancers is easier than ever.

Discover What Buzzzy Is All About

Discover How Buzzzy can Help your Business

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We make it easier to tackle creative tasks: by matching you with the best fractional creative, handling payment facilitation, and providing seamless project management tools. Sounds interesting?

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Save Money For Your Business

Save Money For Your Business

Receive the high-value service you pay for

We're committed to offering the best experience in every interaction. With Buzzzy you're paying for high-quality service, not markups.

We'll match you with expert-level creatives in no time, and once you start collaborating you can send feedback, communicate and manage each task at the same place.


Why our clients think we’re awesome

Jubal Rodríguez

CEO of BluePath

"Working with Buzzzy was a great experience. I liked that they were very knowledgeable in the space and took great interest in learning the needs of my project and figuring out a way to make it work with my budget."

Rubén Ramírez

Founder of Self-Made Designer

"I like the idea of ​​"concierge". Solopreneurs like myself are interested in maximizing time and building income production systems that are as passive as possible. In that sense, having Buzzzy take care of my needs is a plus."

Héctor Ortiz

Account Executive at Duarte Pino

“We worked with several freelancers and they were all highly professional and knowledgeable in their respective areas. Integrating them into our project was seamless and provided us significant long-term value.”

Ready to start your project?

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